Proceedings of the 14th Seventh Century Syrian Numismatic Round Table held at The Hive, Worcester, on 28th and 29th September 2013
The Sasanian Empire at its Apogee in the 620s
James Howard-Johnston
7th Century ‘barbarous’ Folles: a Secondary Mint in the Eastern Part of the
Byzantine Empire under Persian Rule
Henri Pottier
Some Aspects of 7thC Egyptian Byzantine Coinage
Tony Goodwin
Byzantine and Early Islamic Coinage at Excavations in Jericho
Tasha Vorderstrasse
Coinage and the Early Arab State
Marcus Phillips
Symbolism and meaning on the early Islamic copper coinage of Greater Syria
Luke Treadwell
Arab-Byzantine Coins from Excavations in Israel – an Update –
Gabriela Bijovsky
Can we believe what is written on the coins? Enigmatic die links and other puzzles
Ingrid Schulze
Notes on Two Imperial Image Obverse Types: The Falconer and the Seated Couple
David Woods
The Phase 2 Coinage of Scythopolis under Mu‘awiya and his successors
Andrew Oddy
The Spear on Coins of the Byzantine-Arab Transition Period
Wolfgang Schulze and Andrew Oddy
The Egyptian Arab-Byzantine Coinage
Tony Goodwin
The Earliest Islamic Copper Coinage of North Africa
Trent Jonson
Marks and isolated words on copper coins issued by the ‘Treasury of Aleppo’
in 146-148 H: a clue to the interpretation of marks on early Islamic coppers?
Lutz Ilisch
The Coinage of the Seleucia Isauriae and Isaura Mints under Herakleios (ca.615-619) and related issues
Frank R. Trombley