This book addresses the interaction of principle and practice, of materials, techniques and ideas, which characterise contemporary conservation as a whole.
Jackie Heuman
The Tinted Venus and Beyond: Painted Stone Sculpture from 1850-1930
Judith Collins
Case Study of a Nineteenth Century Bronze Sculpture with a Decorative Resin Inlay
Phillipa Laurenson
The Hierarchy of the Sculptor's Workshop: The Practice of Emile-Antoine Bourdelle (1861-1929)
Penelope Curtis
Degas'Women in Washington: Four Case Studies
Daphne Barbour, Shelley Sturman
Condition and Conservation of Nineteenth Century Outdoor Zinc Sculptures
Peter Mottner, Jbrg Freitag, Heidrun Brockner
From Art to Industry: Developments in English Bronze Casting during the Nineteenth Century
Stan Whatmore
Eros: The Laser Cleaning of an Aluminium Sculpture
John Larson
The Use of Paper Pulp Based Fill Material for Compensation of Losses to Sculpture
Jerry Podany, Maya Elston, Lisbet Thoresen, Susan Lansing Maish
Nigerian Cement Sculptures
Diana O'Sullivan, Keith Nicklin
Colour Monitoring on Outdoor Bronze Statues in Ottawa, Canada
Nancy E. Binnie.
A New Surface Imaging Technique in Conservation
Sheila Fairbrass, Daryl R. Williams
The Cellulose Nitrate Time Bomb: Using Sulphonephthalein Indicators to Evaluate Storage Strategies
,Julia Fenn
Degradation Studies of Cellulose Nitrate Plastics
Robbie Stewart, David Littlejohn, Richard Pethrick, Norman Tennent, Anita Ouye
Standing Out Like a Sore Thumb: A Damaged Sculpture Made of Three
Synthetic Polymers
Don Sale
Conservation of Modern Sculpture at the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
Kees Herman Aben
An Investigation into a Transferred Paint/Cast Resin Sculpture
Jean Dubuffet
Ellen Pratt, Patricia Houlihan, Eugena Ordonez
Lynda A. Zycherman.
Quiet Collaboration: The Special Relationship Between Artists
and Their Fabricators
Donna Williams, Rosa Lowinger.
Barbara Hepworth: Conserving a Lifetime's Work
Derek Pullen, Sandra Deighton.
Gilding the Lily: The Patination of Henry Moore's Bronze Scupture
Julie Summers
An Opera for Milly Mudd: Artist Helen Chadwick in Conversation with
Judith Collins
Helen Chadwick, Judith Collins
Sweetness and Blight: Conservation of Chocolate Works of Art
Glenn Wharton, Sharon D. Blank, J. Claire Dean
List of Contributors