Medieval Painting in Northern Europe

Techniques, Analysis, Art History

Editor  Jilleen Nadolny

This collection of writings on the subject of medieval painting and polychromy in northern Europe celebrates the 70th birthday of Unn Plahter, Professor at the University of Oslo. Throughout her long career, Unn has assumed many roles, among them prolific scholar, tireless promoter of education in conservation and active participant in the international conservation community. The contributions in this book have been chosen to reflect Unn's wide range of research interests in the field of medieval painting. They present an in-depth analysis of many aspects of medieval painting technique, at the same time providing a much-needed entry into the rich Scandinavian scholarship, which is largely unavailable in English. Further context is offered by the inclusion of important English comparative material and of broader studies of medieval painting and aspects of analysis, all extensively illustrated with colour reproductions.

The contributions contained herein comprise definitive studies by some of the most prominent medieval scholars in Europe and entirely new technical investigations of important medieval objects. Divided into three main categories - technical studies of individual objects, technical art history and analysis and art history - this book is essential reading for anyone interested in medieval painting and polychromy.

ISBN 1904982212
Binding Hardback
Dimensions 217 x 303mm
Pages 308
Illustrations 148 colour
Published December 2006
Price £80.00