Moving Collections: Processes and Consequences is the result of an initiative from the Norwegian section of the Nordic Conservators Association (NKF-N) which organised a conference entitled 'Planning to move? Processes and consequences for collections, objects and society' in Oslo. The articles in this publication are based upon the presentations at that conference.
Working with cultural heritage objects requires knowledge-based decisions on transportation on a regular basis whether moving a single object from storage to exhibition, or moving a whole collection to new storage facilities. Articles in this publication include: new research on the response of different materials to climatic change and vibrations; packaging standards and logistics when moving collections or individual objects; objects with special needs. The necessity of cross-disciplinary cooperation to facilitate the moving process is discussed in several articles.
Planning the movement of cultural heritage objects is a task relevant to a variety of professionals working with artefacts or in other areas of cultural heritage. This publication, with both practical and other contributions, will be useful to museum managers, conservators, transport companies, project leaders, art handlers, storage managers, exhibition technicians and others working with, and managing, collections.
Papers are in English, Norwegian, Swedish or Danish. Papers not written in English include an abstract in English. Papers in English have a Scandinavian language abstract.
Technical assessment of cultural objects in the planning of transport
Marion F. Mecklenburg
Where do we go from here? Nasjonalmuseets flytteprosjekter i perioden 2008 til 2016
Where do we go from here? The National Museum’s logistic projects 2008-2016
Eivind S. Johansen
Felles magasin - felles prosess
Joint storage - joint process
Heidi Seilfaldet, Anne Bjørke, Marit Roer og Bjørn Djupevåg
Samlebånd og strekkoder - overføring av museenes samlinger til fellesmagasin
Assembly line and barcodes - transferring collections to a joint storage facility
Kaisa Bengtsson, Eivind Gramer og Kristin Halaas
Kunsttransport - logistik, standarder og bevaring
Fine art transport - logistics, standards and preservation
Elisabeth Gram Christensen
Flytting av Vest-Agder-museet i Kristiansand fra Kongsgård til Odderøya
Moving the Vest-Agder Museum from Kongsgård to Odderøya
Jan Michael Stornes og Jon Brænne
The master plan: building on the collection at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Pamela Hatchfield, Charlotte Ameringer, Gordon Hanlon, Matthew Siegal, Joel Thompson and Dante Vallance
Moving monumental Munch: From listed building to temporary studio - and back again
Karen Mengshoel, Mirjam Liu, Hanne Moltubakk Kempton and Tine Frøysaker
The organisation and challenges involved in transferring the stored collections of the Tampere Museums to new facilities
Tiina Paavola and Hanna Tuokila
Casing of sculptures and installations
Mette Carlsen
Intern transport og håndtering af sårbare kunstværker med ubundet farve på papir
Transport of unfixed paint layers on paper within an institution
Karen Esser
Moving, protecting and preserving 100,000 historic audio recordings: a collaboration in planning, preparation and preservation
Tyra Grant
Betraktninger og erfaringer med å flytte utendørskunst i offentlig rom
Reflections and experiences with relocations of outdoor art in public spaces
Monica Hovdan
The relocation and conservation project of Antero Ruotsalainen’s steel installation Noli turbare circulos meos, 1976
Paivi Kyllonen-Kunnas
Om och om igen - att flytta 2000 år gamla textilier från Paracas, Peru
Again and again - moving a 2000-year-old Peruvian textile
Anna Javér
Magasinhallen på Hadeland Folkemuseum - lavterskelmagasin og formidlingsarena
Storage facilities at Hadeland Folk Museum - low threshold storage and mediation area
Grethe Johnsrud
Relocating the Museu de Arte Popular, Lisbon
Joana Amaral and Cláudia Duarte
Conservation of Edvard Munch's paintings for relocation to a new building: a project in progress at the Munch Museum
Biljana Topalova-Casadiego, Kristin Kausland, Fredrik Jong, Lise Chantrier Aasen and Linn Kristin Solheim
Flytt av Stockholms stadsmuseums fotoenhet och fotografisamlingar 2009
Moving Stockholm City Museum’s photography unit 2009
Lina Ålenius
Til lands, til vands og i luften med - et vikingeskib på vandreudstilling
On land, on sea and in the air - a Viking ship in a travelling exhibition
Anette Hjelm Petersen og Kristiane Strætkvern
Decisions about moving collections: Where do conservators fit in? How can we contribute?
Susan Braovac, Guro Hjulstad and Elin Storbekk
Case study of moving a collection to an unfinished new building: a challenge for the security of the objects
Nathalie Jacqueminet
Displacements and relocations: object moves to make study collections visible and accessible at the Victoria and Albert Museum
Victoria Oakley and Sandra Smith
Ask 2010. The relocation of 319 pieces of furniture and wooden objects: project planning, realisation and troubleshooting
Merle Strätling and Stephanie Westermann
Fra Vikhammer i Trøndelag til Vinderen i Oslo. Flytting av en 120 år gammel lekestue
Moving the Vest-Agder Museum from Kongsgård to Odderøya
Jon Brænne
Mounting of shoes for safer handling
Pia Christensson and Martin Trnka
Gösta Sandbergs samling har hittat hem
Waking up a study collection
Anna Stow och Rebecka Karlsdotter
Recovery of a art from a disaster area in a non-museum context
Fredrik Qvale and Ane Marte Ringstad
Kakelugnssamlingen - en del i stadsmuseets arkiv och magasinsprojekt
Managing the collection of tiled stoves
Maria Sundström
Osebergtekstilene. Et ommagasineringsprosjekt
The Oseberg textiles: a rehousing project
Margunn Veseth
Protection, rescue, evacuation and aftercare of cultural heritage collections in accident and disaster situations
Heidi Wirilander
Planlagt flytting av kunst på papir til nytt museum, Munch-museet med Stenersenmuseets samlinger (MUM)
The planning of the relocation of art on paper: The Munch Museum including Stenersen's collections
Daniel Gillberg, Magdalena Godzimirska og Gry Landro